Events and Activities

Dissemination activities

Dissemination of the results and collective training

The events may concern different forms of dissemination of issues related to re-manufacturing, moments of discussion and training in different ways.

The network is responsible for organizing professional training courses to increase skills and knowledge and to support the professional training of interested parties. In addition, it deals with the organization of national conferences with round tables of interested parties and surveys involving stakeholders and public opinion.

External communication is one of the strengths in terms of final output. The didactic activities in the three-year and master's degree courses and in the doctoral and post-graduate courses are accompanied by dissemination activities aimed at a wider audience.
La ricerca aumenta così la partecipazione delle comunità ad attività rigenerative, coinvolgendo utenti finali e stakeholder attraverso convegni (giornate di sostenibilità, giornate di economia circolare) e strumenti di web learning per favorire la comprensione dell’argomento.


Webinars, dialogues and online meetings.

Much more to come!

Do you want to participate to the next round table? 

Fill out the form to participate in the project and organize the next activity together!

Round tables

Meetings or conferences held on a specified topic related to Remanufacturing.
During the round tables there is a direct confrontation between experts with different opinions without any position of privilege.

Do you have an event to propose to us?
Contact us and we will organize it together!

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